Pathway: Establish business cadence


Establish business cadence

Establish how your organisation will use a regular cadence to drive, monitor & implement your strategy.

Why is this important?

  • Mixing strategy and operations doesn't work.
  • You need to create space, time and discipline for strategy.

How does this pathway work?

An agreed upon business cadence is a crucial to give your business the disciple to do the necessary strategic leaderhip work that will underpin your success.

Setting this cadence gives everyone some focus, accountability & transparency as to what is going to be done, and when.


  • organise our regular cadence of meetings
    • OKR check-in
    • Monthly strategy
    • Quarterly strategy
    • Annual strategy
  • schedule a meeting to set the years objectives

Want to see more pathways that will help your business?

Annual strategy session

A long session - commonly covering several days - as you

  • Review your purpose & values
  • Review your vision
  • Review you bullseye and strategic anchors
  • Review & measure strategic goals
  • Score annual & quarterly objectives
  • Collate any new inputs into the business
  • Set the new annual and quarterly objectives
  • Form a communication plan

Quarterly strategy session

A long session - commonly covering several days - as you

  • Measure strategic goals
  • Review & score annual & quarterly objectives
  • Collate any new inputs into the business
  • Set the new quarterly objectives

Monthly strategy session

A session to monitor your organisation's strategic progress, review your objectives and tackle any issues.

  • Review critical numbers
  • Spotlight on people & culture
  • Spotlight on customers
  • Review & score quarterly objectives
  • Review actions

OKR Check-in

A quick stand-up meeting to ensure your objectives are on track and to discuss any issues.

Explore some of the other pathways inside the adapt HQ platform.