Pathway: Craft a compelling vision


Craft a compelling vision

Craft an organisation vision that is compelling to those who work in the business, but also meets the owner's aspirations.

Why is this important?

  • Aiming at nothing will see you hit nothing
  • A vision gives you a North Star, a direction to head to
  • To engage your people in the journey

How does this pathway work?

This pathway is where the owners and leaders of the business craft a vision statement for the business.

Your vision statement should be an aspirational statement of the future state of the business.

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What makes a good vision statement?

We believe you can ask yourself a few simple questions that determine whether your vision statement is good or not

  • Is it looking five or more years in the future?
  • Is it future-focused but written in the present tense?
    • ‘We are’, not ‘We want to be’
  • Is it a stretch? Is it audacious?
  • Is it inspirational?

Some examples of great vision statements

Southwest Airlines - To become the world’s most loved, most flown, and most profitable airline
Adobe - To empower people to create exceptional digital experiences
Google - To provide access to the world's information in one click
Tesla - Accelerate the advent of sustainable transport by bringing mass-market electric cars to market as soon as possible
Harvard - To develop leaders who will one day make a global difference

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