Frequently asked questions

About us

What is the adapt way?

Where is adapt and who is involved?

What if I think my business is unique, and that you couldn’t possibly understand?

Why do you do what you do?

What is your end goal?

What guides your behaviour as a business?

Why should I trust you?

I’m not a founder, owner, leader or supporter – who should I contact?

About cost

How much does it cost?

What if my business grows and I onboard more people?

Do you have payment options?

Do I get a free trial on adapt HQ?

Do I need to give credit card details for the free trial?

What happens after the free trial ends?

Am I locked into any contracts?

About our platform

What is Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)?

What does 'in the cloud’ mean and are you in it?

How do I know if my computers are compatible?

Does your platform integrate with other software solutions?

How do you protect client data?

What happens with my data if I decide to stop using adapt HQ?

Okay... where’s the small print?

The self-managed journey

Can I really DIY business resilience?

What if I need help?

How secure is your payment portal and how does it work?

The coach-guided journey

Why would I need a coach?

Who are your coaches and why should I trust them?

So how would this work then?

What if we get started, realise we love adapt but are not quite vibing with our coach?

What if we get to a point where we think we don’t need a coach anymore?

Am I locked into any periods?